MORE Hours of Massage Therapy
Acquiring more hours Massage Therapy to meet some states requirements is done by completing the 702 hour CMT Program and selecting additional hours from our other programs or continuing education courses. This can be done while in the 702 Hour CMT program or after graduation. The hours show on the transcript. No prerequisites
Students can gain more hours in several ways - designed to best fit their goals. Instructors & the Director will approve the program choices.
• By taking Elective Classes at MountainHeart
• By taking Elective Classes anywhere & transferring them to MountainHeart
• By taking CMT Classes at MountainHeart as a class assistant.
Why more Hours?
Some areas of the country require more hours or more of study from an approved school for certification or licensing. As of April 2016, 20 states require over 500 hours of training, with only 6 over 700. It is easy to add hours to your transcript to keep the state you want to live in "happy", while allowing you to study at the school of your choice - our awesome school! Many students find it very useful to round their education out at 1000 hours or more!
Contact us to find out how to design your Career Path with MountainHeart as your foundational schooling!