Here is some interesting information about Massage Therapy as a Career.
Listen to a recording about the field of Massage Therapy today HERE.
Massage therapy is one of the fastest growing career fields today.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Report from January of 2014 shows an anticipated growth in the Massage Therapy Profession of 23%! The average for all professions is only 11%.
In todays economic climate, people are reaching out even more for the benefits of therapeutic touch and stress reduction - helping them to remain positive and productive.
The therapeutic effects of massage are being recognized and publicized by our mainstream media as more and more people are experiencing professional massage therapy for the first time.
The potential massage therapy clientele is expanding across all age groups and ideals and is recognized today as complementary health care by most healing modalities.
In 2007 massage was estimated to be the second most sought after form of professional complementary health care in America and has gained greatly in popularity since then! It was also estimated that Americans get over 75 million massages per year!
From July 2010 to July 2011, roughly 38 million American adults (18%) received massage therapy at least once.
Massage therapists are now working in the many settings: home offices, out-call service businesses, chiropractors, beauty/skin care salons, gyms, athletic clubs, health clubs, health spas, holistic centers, resorts, on-site offices, hospitals, cruise ships, airlines, hotels, convention centers, college and professional athletic teams, rehabilitation centers, horse farms, health food stores, as well as other settings.
Some sources list the average cost of a 1 hour massage at $35 to $75. Other sources list the same 1 hour massage at $50 to $200.
Some of the factors influencing the cost of a massage are: experience, amount of schooling, reputation, and geographic location.
The average yearly income for a massage therapist varies from under $10,000 for mostly part time to over $50,000 for full time in some places. In 2011 the average income of massage therapists was between $19,600 and $25,700 per year.
Here are some interesting tidbits from surveys done in about Massage Therapists by different organizations and publications. Keep in mind that the industry has grown significantly since some of these statistics were gathered. Note: Please do your own research to further your understanding of our wonderful profession.
Over 90% said they always/most of the time found satisfaction in their work.
About 75% did 60 minute sessions.
Over 60% of therapists had over 600 hours of training.
Over 60% had been practicing for 5 years or less.
About 56% of full time therapists earned over $30,000 per year.
Over 50% charged more than $60 per session.
About 32% had private practices in their home and about 45% in an office.
About 23% did out-call service and about 16% did on-site service.
About 58% also earn income at another profession.
About 78% are independent practitioners.
About 7% are employees.
About 16% are both independent practitioners & employees.
Over 85% had their main source of new clients as word of mouth.
About 52% averaged 12 or more people a week.
Over 90% had taken continuing education classes.
Over 50% took 25 hours of CEU’s a year.
Most had a practice that integrated several types of therapy.