MountainHeart Tuition
"If we are basically positive in attitude, expecting and envisioning pleasure, satisfaction and happiness, we will attract and create people, situations, and events which conform to our positive expectations." Shakti Gawain
MountainHeart tuition for our CMT Programs is listed below:
- 702 Hour Certified Massage Therapist Program = $7,000.00
Students usually pay for classes on a class-by-class basis. A 10% deposit is paid at enrollment, the additional 90% of each class is paid when it starts. This allows students to pay for classes throughout the 6 months of classes. We provide a weekly payment schedule for students who wish to make only one payment per week.
Check here for our Payment Plan options & Financing ideas.
How does our tuition compare?
Our tuition is one of the best in Colorado and many other places.
On a per hour basis, we are one of the (perhaps the) most reasonably priced.
Given the depth and excellence of our CMT Programs, the value to you personally, to your life, and to your future clients, that you receive here, is beyond calculation!
Considering the cost of loans in most situations, our payment plans also save you money.
Large schools that offer federal student loans offset their costs with higher tuition rates. E-mail us for a short email about accreditation.
Students have been able to pay off full tuition loans here in only 6 months!
(Note: Enrollment contracts guarantee the current prices. All prices listed here are subject to change without notice, so check with us for current updates.)
Click Here For: Financing Options
Download Student Financing Worksheet
For current information on tuition payment plans and financial aid options:
Call - 970-275-1090 or E-mail -
Additional Expenses
$50 Application fee (Required for CMT) (non-refundable)
$65 Student Liability Insurance & Exam Coach
(Required for CMT) (non-refundable)
$315* Textbooks (Required for CMT - from MHS only)
$500* Massage Table (Not Required)
$100* Supplies (linens, oils, lotions)
$100 Copies & Class Handouts Fee (Required for CMT)
$0 to $200+ Receiving Professional Massages (Required for CMT)
$25 Contract Fee - Program Students (Required for CMT)
$10 Contract Fee - Elective Students (per semester) (Required)
$25 Late Tuition Payment
$50 Late Enrollment Fee (non-refundable)
$25 Returned Check
$25 Change of Contract / Refinancing
$10 Official Transcript $15 Reprint of Certificate
$1/Credit Transfer of Credits
*Indicates approximate prices.
MountainHeart provides equipment (tables, etc.) for all in-class instruction.
Visa & MasterCard are accepted.
— All prices are subject to change. —