Please Note: Underscoring all the details of our classes is an environment of positive perspective, empowerment, transformation and fun! Students find learning easy and rewarding while opening to new potentials and perspectives that facilitate their healing and that of their future clients!
Note: Classes with * are only in the 850 CMT Program, but can be taken as electives by students in the 702 CMT Program.
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702 & 850 Hour Program Courses
Learning Strategies
LS - 32 hours - This course teaches students powerful strategies to be more effective learners. Through experiential super-learning techniques students are assisted in discovering their own learning style and how to make the best use of it. Then students learn strategies designed to enhance integration and embodiment of information. The focus includes strategies for the classroom, for test taking, and for studying outside of class. Students become very empowered, confident, optimistic, and self-motivated learners. No prerequisites
Accessing Resourceful Learning StatesTurning Stops into Steps / Goal Strategies
Using Right & Left Brain Learning Strategies Brain Hemisphere Synchronization Techniques
Acupressure to Stimulate Learning & Alertness Intellegence Catagories & Their Applications
Strategies Excellent Learners UseDiet & Activities that Improve Learning
Advanced Classroom & Home Study Strategies Supporting Everyone's Learning in the Classroom
Visual, Auditory, & Kinesthetic Learning Styles & Strategies
Business & Marketing
B - 34 hours - This course provides the business, accounting, and record keeping practices needed to run a successful massage therapy business. Students learn to use intake forms, soap notes, business plans, and marketing plans. Insurance billing is also covered. Prerequisites: Program enrollment or permission
Do a Basic Business PlanBusiness & Professional Ethics
The Attitude of Success & AbundanceJob Interview Strategies
Laws Pertaining to Massage & BusinessQ & A Time with an Accountant
Understanding Taxes & Tax FormsThe Re-Hired / Desired Employee
Creative Marketing StrategiesUnique Treatments & Packages
What Money "really is" & How to be in Harmony with Its Energy
Therapeutic Massage 1
TM1 - 44 hours - This course provides the basic understanding of Swedish massage and the skills needed to perform an efficient and effective 50 minute massage. Some of the topics covered are ethics, professionalism, draping, safety issues, oils and lotions, basic Swedish style, benefits of massage, and contraindications. Prerequisites: Learning Strategies or permission
Theory, Indications, Contra-Indications & Benefits of Swedish Massage
History of Massage TherapyDoing a "Job Winning" Swedish Massage
The Art of Being PresentThe Graceful & Flowing Massage
Oils, Lotions, Cremes & Gels & Their Uses Therapist Ergonomics During Swedish Massage
Basic Swedish Massage StrokesHygiene in Massage Therapy
Ethics & Therapeutic BoundariesProfessional Draping Techniques
"Endangerment" Sites of the BodyBasic Muscle & Skeletal Anatomy
Swedish Massage for All Individual Parts of the Body
50 & 60 Minute Swedish Massage for All of the Body
Experiential Anatomy & Physiology 1
AP1 - 36 hours - This course provides the knowledge of anatomical terminology, the skeletal system, the myofascial system, and the integumentary system. Students gain a thorough and applicable understanding of anatomy , physiology & kinesiology in relation to massage, health, pathology, and healing. Prerequisites: Learning Strategies or permission
The Muscular SystemAnatomical Planes & References
Bony Landmarks of the Skeletal System, Kinesiological References & Terms
Anatomy & Physiology of the Muscles of the Feet, Calf, Thigh & Abdomen
Therapeutic Relationships
TR - 28 hours - This course allows students to build professional quality therapeutic relationships that honor the client's needs, desires, perspectives, and process. Topics covered include the process of healing and change, professional boundaries, rapport skills, basic NLP skills, client outcomes, influencing with integrity, and more. Prerequisites: Learning Strategies or permission
Questions for Clarity & SpecificityListening Exercises
Understanding the Healing ResponseParadigms of Relating
Understanding ResistanceTransference & Counter-transference
Artful DisagreementTelephone Skills & Questions
Intake Skills & QuestionsCreating Client Safety
Clearly Defined GoalsIncreasing Client Satisfaction
Basic Reframing SkillsNon-Verbal Communication
Pacing Skills Rapport Building Therapy Room
Therapy Integration 1
TI1 - 36 hours - This course introduces students to their major research projects and helps them to bring together and integrate all that they have learned at this point in the program. The focus will be on case studies, individual assessment, feedback, and integration. Prerequisites: Learning Strategies, Therapeutic Massage 1, Experiential Anatomy & Physiology 1, & Therapeutic Relationships
The Efficient & Effective Swedish Massage Additional Swedish Stroke Options
Practice Required to Prepare for ClinicsA "Spa Style" Swedish Clinic Experience
Fine-Tuning Flow & ErgonomicsBreathing While Massaging
Creating the "Big Hands" EffectListening to Your Hands
"Soft Focus" to Enhance Listening & Intuition S.O.A.P. Notes & Intake Forms
Therapeutic Massage 2
TM2 - 44 hours - This course provides additional massage techniques for stress reduction and a variety of therapeutic applications. Topics covered include tissue preparation, cross fiber techniques, massage for injuries, hydrotherapy, lymph drainage, passive stretching, client homework, reflexology, unique session packages, and others. Prerequisites: Therapeutic Massage 1 or permission
Acupressure Techniques & StylesMuscular Conditions We Facilitate
The Main Styles of Massage & BodyworkAllied Modalities - Who & When to Referral Clients
Golgi Tendon / Spindle Cell TechniquePin & Stretch Techniques to Release Muscles
Stages of Inflammation & Massage Guidelines for Each Stage
Organizing Your Techniques - What Ones to Use in What Situations
All Techniques Designed to be Useful in the 50 or 60 Minute Swedish Massage Session
Experiential Anatomy & Physiology 2
AP2 - 32 hours - This course provides the knowledge of the rest of the body's systems, the design of the body, and the effects of stress on the body. Students finish their study of the anatomy , physiology & kinesiology of the body's systems in relation to massage, health, pathology, and healing. Among other topics, mind-body physiology and the tissue repair cycle are also studied. Prerequisites: Experiential Anatomy & Physiology 1 or permission
Anatomy & Physiology of the Muscles of the Hand, Forearm, Arm, Shoulder & Back
The Nervous SystemThe Endocrine System
The CardioVascular SystemThe Lymphatic System
The Respiratory SystemThe Digestive System
The Urinary SystemThe Stress Response System
The Body Metaphoric
BM - 28 hours - This course is based on how the energy of life is manifested and expressed through the physical body. Students learn to think and understand the body, and how we use the body, metaphorically. This meta-level of thought provides valuable information from the unconscious, through the body, to the consciousness. This information is often not available during usual conscious self-assessment and therefore requires the input of another system of thought. Participants are given a model of exploration to discover these metaphoric messages as well as lists of some of the common interpretations. Supportive learning aids are available. No prerequisites
Understanding the Nature & Effects of Stress Visualizations for De-Stressing & Relaxation,
Beliefs That Affect Health & HealingHow & What Symptoms May Communicate,
Whole Body ReadingsMetaphors in the Posture & How We Move,
Basic Underlying Attitudes That Affect Health & Healing,
Metaphor Lists for Areas, Systems, Organs, & Diseases of the Body,
Assessment Skills
ASK - 24 hours - This course teaches the sensitivity and techniques needed for massage therapists to accurately sense the conditions of the body. Topics covered include palpation skills, muscle condition assessment, posture assessment, range of motion assessment, and movement and gait assessment. Students will find that this information greatly adds to their understanding of the body and what is happening beneath their hands. Prerequisites: Experiential Anatomy & Physiology 1, CMT, or permission
Common Postural Imbalances: Lordosis, Kyphosis, Flat Back, Sway Back, Knock Knees, Bow Legs, Flat Feet, Temporo-Mandibular Joint Disfunction, Scoliosis, Upper & Lower Cross Syndromes, Etc.,
Understanding the Fluid Nature & Flexibility of Posture & Range of Motion,
The Basic Intake & Assessment Flow, The 7 Minute Assessment,
Assessment Vs. Diagnosis, Muscle & Joint Injury Tests,
Experiential Anatomy & Physiology 3
AP3 - 32 hours - This course provides knowledge and understanding of the principles and pathologies specific to the myofascial and nervous systems. Additional topics covered include the mechanics of healing, proprioception, the mechanic of pain, theories of pathology, neuromyopathic cycles, and muscular pathologies. Prerequisites: Experiential Anatomy & Physiology 2 or permission
Anatomy & Physiology of the Muscles of the Neck, Face & Jaw
Definitions & Treatment Goals of Spasm, Strain, Sprain & Tendonitis Conditions
Understanding Referred PainCycles of Ischemia in Muscles Tissue
Reflex Arcs of the BodyThe Vicious Pathological Cycle
Development of Tender Points & Trigger Points The Neuromuscular Laws
Working with Fibrosity in Adhesions & Scars How Pain Affects Health
Therapeutic Massage 3
TM3 - 48 hours - This course provides the skills of applying massage techniques for specific settings and populations. Topics covered include limited time massages, sports massage, on-site massage using a massage chair, massage for pregnancy, massage for the elderly, massage for toddlers and infants, massage for the challenged, dry massage, clothed massage and other techniques. Prerequisites: Therapeutic Massage 2 or permission
Theory, Indications, Contra-Indications & Benefits for all Styles of M3 Massage Techniques
Cramp Relief TechniquesPractice Clinic for Sports Massage
Practice Clinic for Pre-Natal MassagePractice Clinic for On-Site Massage
Practice Clinic for Elderly MassagePractice Clinic for Infant
Transformational Neuromuscular Therapy 1
T-NMT1 - 52 hours - This course provides foundational neuromuscular theory, principles, muscle strokes, and experiences. This form of neuromuscular therapy is uniquely effective and provides the opportunity for clinical or mindbody applications. Clients find themselves releasing deep held tensions from the myofascial system as well as creating self-supportive and healing neuro-pathways of thought and movement. Topics covered include basic muscle stroke patterns, basic muscle stroke movement patterns, specific muscle strokes, and posture conditions. Prerequisites: The Body Metaphoric, Therapeutic Massage 2, Experiential Anatomy & Physiology 3, CMT, or permission
Neuromuscular Strokes for the Calf, Thigh, Pelvis, Abdominals, Diaphram & Intercostals
History of T-NMT & Understanding Neuromuscular, Fascial, Myofascial, & Deep Tissue Work
Indications, Conta-Indications & Benefits of Transformational Neuromuscular Work
Correct Application of "Ecological Pressure" (Eco-Point) vs. Painful Bodywork
Applications of Joint PlayOrigin & Insertion Technique
"Clearing" a Muscle6-Walks Technique for Integration
Iliotibial Band Pathologies & ReleasePosterior IT Band Drift & Correction
Patello-Femoral Syndrome & Correction
Golgi Tendon / Spindle Cell Technique in a NMT Session
Transformational Neuromuscular Therapy 2
T-NMT2 - 52 hours - This course continues the area of study begun in Transformational Neuromuscular Therapy 1. Additional muscle strokes and patterns are taught and pain mechanisms are reviewed in the context of muscle therapy. Students begin to explore integrated movement patterns during this class and they study additional posture conditions. Prerequisites: T-NMT 1 or permission
Neuromuscular Strokes for the Back, Neck, Scapula & Shoulders
Special Considerations for Spine Conditions Motioning Techniques
Fascial FreeingFascial Lines of the Body
Nerve Entrapment & ImpingementMyofascial Release
Movement Therapy TheoryKeys to Adopting New Movement & Posture Patterns
Spinal Rotation TechniquesFigure 8s & Graffiti Techniques
Hendrick's Breathing TechniqueUnderstanding "Metaphoric" Movement
Understanding the Rotator CuffTensegrity & the Body
Including the Stretched Position in the Neuromuscular Stroke
Therapy Integration 2
TI2 - 40 hours - As the student progresses through the program, this course provides the same quality experience through individual assessment, feedback, and integration as Therapy Integration 1. Students focus on increasing professionalism and effectiveness throughout this course. Prerequisites: Therapy Integration 1 Experiential Anatomy & Physiology 3, Assessment Skills, The Body Metaphoric, & T-NMT 1
Practice Required to Prepare for ClinicsMid-Term Feed-Back Exchange & Discussion
A "Spa Style" Swedish Clinic Experience50 minute Swedish with 10 minutes of Extra Therapy
Doing Better S.O.A.P. NotesMaking Choices in the Therapeutic Session
Additional Case Studies IdeasRefining Assessment Skills & Injury Assessment
Intake to Plan Flow Chart4 Main Areas of Work on an Injured Client
Treatment Goals for InjuriesAn Injury / Chronic Pain 60 Minute Session Clinic
Transformational Neuromuscular Therapy 3
T-NMT3 - 48 hours - This course enhances and integrates the area of study covered in Transformational Neuromuscular Therapy 1 and 2. In addition to more muscle strokes and patterns, students learn trigger point therapy, practical muscle testing, multiple session patterns, working with common injuries, more posture conditions, and case studies. Prerequisites: T-NMT 2 or permission
Neuromuscular Strokes for the Arms, Forearms, Hands, Feet, Deep Anterior Neck, T.M.J., & Face.
Neuromuscular Techniques to Release Tendons, Ligaments, & Joint Structures
Ischemic Compression Technique4-Directional Bruise / Swelling Release
Muscle Dysfunction OverviewTowel Roll Technique
Power Exercise ReleaseNeuroLymphatic (Chapman's) Reflexes for Muscles
Athletic Tune-Up StrategiesAdvanced Assessment Flow Chart
Postural & Phasic Muscle TypesLevels of T-NMT Muscle Strokes
Assisted Stretching
AS - 34 hours - This course teaches several effective, efficient, and safe methods to stretch the myofascial system. These techniques release tensions, improve proprioception, create better balance in muscle groups and systems, and increase the range of motion. Student will know which techniques will bring the best results for the presenting symptoms of the client. This information greatly increases the massage therapist's effectiveness and ability to facilitate her/his client's myofascial healing. Prerequisites: Experiential Anatomy & Physiology 2 & Assessment Skills or CMT or permission
Understanding PNF, Muscle Energy Techniques, Facilitated Stretching, Isolated Muscle Stretches, Etc.,
Isometric, Reciprocal, Concentric & Eccentric Assisted Stretching Techniques and Theory,
Stretches for Spasm, Fibrosity, Tonification & When Injuries are present,
Session Patterns for Conditions Like Low Back Syndromes & Chronic Joint Pain,
Organizing Your T-NMT Program Techniques - What Ones to Use in What Situations,
Experiencing Stretches on Many Muscles of the Body,
Combination Techniques (I.R.P, & C.R.A.C.)Stretching Theory & Reflexes,
Passive Release for MusclesPassive Release for Joints,
Integrating Stretches into a Bodywork SessionAssisted Stretching as Client Home Work,
Internal Organ Massage & Balancing
IO - 38 hours - This course teaches techniques for assisting the healing of the internal organs that include massaging the organs, mobilizing the organs, clearing areas that disturb or relate to the organs, and many reflexes that stimulate the physiological functioning of the organs. Concepts and techniques are explained in depth and practiced in class. Easy to follow handouts contain the class information as well as contraindications, cautions, and symptom information about each organ. This course is a must for a thorough massage therapist. Prerequisites: Transformational Neuromuscular Therapy 1 or CMT or permission.
Understanding Organ Pain & Its Relationship to Muscular Problems,
The Relationship of Connective Tissue Layers of Organs & Musculo-Skeletal Symptoms & Vice Versa,
Clinically Therapeutic Medical Massage Releases for Over 12 Internal Organs,
4 Basic Releases for Overall Health, Organ Referred Pain Zones,
Oriental 5-Element Theory for Organ Health, NeuroLymphatic (Chapman's) Reflexes for Organs,
Hara Energy Area Work for Organs, NeuroVascular (Bennett's) Reflexes for Organs,
Muscular Clearing for Organ Health, Basic Energy Work for Organs,
Acupressure Techniques for Organ Health.
Therapy Integration 3
TI3 - 20 hours - This course provides the students with their final follow up on their major research projects and helps them to bring together and integrate all that they have learned in the program. The focus will be on final case studies, final individual assessment, program feedback, and final integration. Prerequisites: All other CMT program courses
Written Final AssessmentHands-On Final Assessment
Final ClinicFinal Review & Feed-Back
850 Hour Program ONLY Courses (Can be electives for the 700 hour program)
*Awareness & Transformation
A&T - 32 hours - This course helps the student explore and increase their intrapersonal intelligence and understanding of the process of healing. Students explore centering exercises and presence exercises. Students spend time discussing and/or being facilitated through the intrapersonal and interpersonal issues that students and massage therapists may face. Students learn inner exploration, and intuition techniques. Prerequisites: Program enrollment or permission
Speakers on Allied Health ModalitiesOriental 5-Element Theory & Practices
Applied Kinesiology (Muscle Testing)New Concepts & Theories of Healing
The 6 Healing SoundsFacilitating the Process of School
*The Language Of Relaxation
LD - 30 hours - This course teaches how to compose your language to best facilitate your client's own internal experience. These language patterns, based on the work of Milton Erickson, Dawna Markova, and the principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, have been molded to best fit the needs of bodyworkers and healers. The Language of Relaxation can be used during any type of bodywork session and is a necessary component of effective relaxation, inner exploration, and process work. Supportive learning aids are available. Prerequisites: Learning Strategies & Therapeutic Relationships or CMT or permission
Visualization to Encourage Healing & Relaxation Brain Wave States & Healing
Pathways VisualizationVAK Relax Techniques
Affirming & Increasing RelaxationMoments of Miracles Visualization
Questions to Find MeaningAligning With Higher Intention Visualization
Visualizations During a Swedish MassageVisualization for Stress Release
Multi-Sensory Heart-Centered Affirmations
State or Resource Recall for Healing or Athletic Performance Enhancement
*Transforming Trauma
TT - 38 hours - This course teaches a safe, confidential, and effective technique for changing stressful internal relationships to traumatic events. The shift of that relationship often brings deep release of holding patterns in the myofascial system as well as a very deep relaxation. Students learn trauma theory, symptoms, and contraindications and compare several techniques. A technique of accessing the body's own knowing helps the practitioner and receiver discover the events that seem to be traumatic, and which events would be appropriate to deal with at the time. Techniques focus on safety and personal ecology as they help release the energy held by trauma and make it available for more generative personal applications. This course brings greater depth and effectiveness to the art of massage therapy. Prerequisites: Program enrollment or CMT or permission
Our Definition of "Trauma" as Deep StressThe "Symptoms" of Deep Stress
Deep Stress & the Fight or Flight MechanismsMassage for the Disaster / Trauma Setting
Clearing Stress Receptors of the HeadReScripting Stressful Events
The Future Pace VisualizationStates of a "Trauma"
Noticing Deep Stress in the Massage Therapy Client & Athletic Performance
How Health is Affected By Deep Stress & Patterns Imprinted in the Body's Bio-Computer
Muscle Testing to Prioritize Treatment of Specific Muscles
Understanding the Conscious & SubConscious Minds & Their Relationships
The Affects of Deep Stress on Awareness, Creativity, Healing & Wholistic Thought
Releasing the Patterns that Limit Our Success, Effectiveness, Performance & Fun
*BodyGuide EnergyWork
EW - 32 hours - This course teaches a form of energy work that is based on the body's innate powers of manifestation and expression. This technique is a graceful balance of logic and intuition that most clients can easily understand. Powerful and responsive to the client, this technique can be used in any bodywork or process oriented sessions, or may be used as a complete, stand-alone facilitation. Still allowing the therapist to explore their intuitions, it is effective at even its simplest level. Prerequisites: The Body Metaphoric or permission
Basic Energy Theory & ModelsEnergizing & Sensitizing Our Hands
Basic Body Flows ClearingEmotions Locked in the Body & Energy Patterns
Basic Chakra Clearing & BalancingRunning Energy for Injuries & Disease
Theories of Energy Blockage & Energy "Cysts" & Their Return to Flow
Metaphoric Energy Flows for Healing & Empowerment
Oriental 5 Element Command Point Acupressure Balance for the Meridians & Healing
Oriental 5 Element Creation Cycle & Regulation Cycle Applications
*Aligning With Purpose
P - 16 hours - Using several different methods of discovery, this course helps students reconnect with their sense of purpose in life and how their time at MountainHeart can best serve that purpose. Students can then align the focus of their classroom time, research projects, practice sessions, and personal growth sessions to be more purposeful for them. This course is great for anyone. No prerequisites
The Concept of Being On PurposeLife Experiences that Teach Us Our Purpose
How the Body Guides US to Our PurposeCreating & Sharing a Purpose Statement
Futuring Strategies for Clarity of VisionLetting Go of Attachments & Aversions for Success
Creating & Aligning Our Goals so They Connect Us to the Power & Energy of Our Purpos